omg this blog is accumulating spider webs :O
ok anyway i watched "watch man" yesterday.
quite a boring movie dont bother to go watch it, and i think the main reason why it is rated M18 is because of the "blue static man" in the movie who loves to walk around totally naked, showing off his bigass penis =.= boyfriend even commented that his penis is damn big wth =.= oh comeon he is BLUE and kills people by turning them into dusts and he causes people around him to have cancer, u wana become like HIM? anyway, he has a nice figure wahahaha, his neh neh very big LOL.

boyfriend and i at kbox. actually i wana print out this picture at kbox as there's a photo printer provided there, but i totally forgot about it when i step out of kbox phfttsssssss >:(
im supposed to be meeting boyfriend now oops =X shit im late again =.=
ok gtg now or else i will get killed =X