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:DFriday, February 27, 2009 :D
i thought im gonna die
hi i've just recovered from flu/sore throat/gastric flu/fever.
and i swear that im the most unlucky person on earth because i freaking fall sick on my class chalet days, AFTER exams somemore.
i should totally have fallen sick during exams right?!?! urghsss =.=

ok anyway, i was supposed to go to the chalet on the first day(wednesday) but the girls were not going so i didnt go too. then i started to have sore throat and flu in the afternoon, so i went to buy panadol for flu (MAX one siol) and pi pa gao which i like for its minty sweet taste haha.

the next day i was supposed to go to the chalet but i felt really lifeless(literally) that i cant get out of the bed, so i didnt go for the chalet at all. and then the nightmare comes-- i was puking and vomitting my stomach out NONSTOP and i though im gonna die because i have never, ever vomitted so damn hardcore before. im vomitting once at every 10-15 minutes interval, and the substance i votmitted out was none other than green liquid which is gastric juice WTH. and of course the feeling is so torturing that i dont wana go and see the doc as i kept vomitting, and yeah i vomitted in the clinic, with a toldder in the clinic somemore zzz =.=
i dont like the doc man, he kept asking whether i was on a diet etc @!*(^$@ OBVIOUSLY I DONT NEED TO GO ON A DIET RIGHT?!?! quote my compprog teacher:"juncui i think u should eat more, because if u dont i think u will just disappear" LOL he said this because i always eat sandwiches during his lessons haha.
and i got an injection which made my upper arm swollen till now, feels really painful when i lift up my arm. i think the injection wound is infected as its kindda itchy even though the wound is the size of a fullstop.
a few hours after the injection im still vomitting even though it is supposed to stop my vomitting. my stomuch felt much better by the time but i started to develop fever. see im damn suay right, so many illness coming one by one, trying to kill me izzit =.=

anyway im perfectly fine now except for my arm still swollen from the injection :D
thanks boyfriend for taking care of me and watched me puke omg so unpleasant :D thanks many many! muacks love ya thanks =)

k gtg sleep now bye =)
ranted at 11:52 PM

:DTuesday, February 24, 2009 :D
exams >:(
two down, one more to go! :D
omg i made some careless mistakes when taking my exams AHHHHHH! wave byebye to my marks :'(

studied econs halfway through and i almost dozed off as the notes are too dry =.= luckily my stomach started to growl before i drifted to lalaland and i went to get my dinner. so yup, eating my dinner now hahaha =)

on a random note, my laopa's waist size is a wooping 36.5 inches! :O all his fats went to his tummy and got stored there forever~ omg his hip size is like so much smaller than his waist size can! lots of fats + beer belly = scary waist LOL. he is currently excerising, trying to reduce his weight by 5kg in two months. and he did it for his health, not to look slim k. he went for his annual body checkup and the doc told him that he has high cholestrol so he has to slim down. oh well, no more seafood and eggs for u hor laopa! maybe i should persuade him to become vegeterian..... but his a carnivore, oh forget it =.=

p.s. my boyfriend is a holy da bian :D
ranted at 6:12 PM

:DWednesday, February 18, 2009 :D
smelly big fat pig
who ask u to call me big fat pig so many times huh?!?!
19 years old already still so bo liao zzz =.=

went to watch underworld and finally i get to sneak in although i look like im barely 16 HAHA. one of the bad points of looking younger than your real age which i dislike the most but it wont bother me for long since im turning 18 in less than 3 months! :DD

gotta start looking for jobs.... god i hate this part =( and i realised i have wayy too much notes to revise for exams. especially for econs, the notes are so thick that it measures around 3 inches for just one semester WTH, and i'll be lazy and just revise those important ones. the worst part is that there will be more difficult projects and exams in year 2, and even harder ones for year 3 OMGGGG.

i shall end this post abruptly as i forgot what i wana write, bye =.=

btw why my necklace picture got white dots one :( omg looks so ugly with all the dots. and the paragraphs also very screwed up LOL. didnt check when i post it haha. anyway im eating abalone right now ok haha BYE.
ranted at 11:57 PM

:DMonday, February 16, 2009 :D
because i told him to morning call me yesterday but he dare to freaking forget about it.
see la, in the end i so late wake up again, all YOUR FAULT. sms you liao still dare to dont reply me! DOTA SOMEMORE LOR, I PWN YOU IN DOTA THEN YOU KNOW. i shall stay at home till he replys me >:( grrrr whoever who invented dota shall die in a horrible death =X

my little red box... sien why its not in blue-green box?
haha i love it regardless of its colour though =)

he really bought a necklace for me :DD
although we didnt have a candlelit dinner and didnt watch any movies and he forgot to bring the ticket for singapore flyer.... ok whatever i enjoyed the day a lot =)
and i bought him this customised cushion.
now he must kiss "me" everyday when he wakes up MUAHAHAHA!!
TMD so late already still dont wana reply me!!!
shall post this photo abruptly because i wana let the whole world know that i love my father and i hate my boyfriend because my boyfriend cares about dota more than me.
my laopa won the TV in a lucky draw. hes so pro HAHAHA =)
and i shall go take a long long long bath since someone loves dota much more than me.
* 15 minutes later*
YOU GOOD OK!!! YOU GOOD LOR!!! i very hungry now u know?!?!?! havent eat anything yet leh!! ok fine i shall sms u again and proceed to finishing the famous amos cookies without saving any of it for u!!
* 5 minutes later*
wa boyfriend finally called me when i was combing my hair siol. haven eat my cookies leh, shall eat it while walking haha.
ok can go out now liao BYE =)
ranted at 2:00 PM

:DTuesday, February 10, 2009 :D
main exams is less than two weeks away.
get ready to see my face filled with pimples, dark eye circles and grumpy expressions.... heh =/

oh and i failed my qmethods test.
was quite sad but im glad that i didnt copy answers/look at notes like a few of my classmates. i have integrity man HAHA =) the test will pull down my grades but hopefully not a LOT, must really study hard for main exam to get my A but imma lazy girl *sigh* =.=

valentine's coming!! :DD
i shall *hint hint* erms *hint hint* uknowwho *hint hint*

i want:
1) chocolates! (i prefer cookies and brownies from famous amos *hint hint*)
2) the curious case of benjamin button (MUST WATCH MOVIE :D)
3) nice lunch/dinner (never eat candlelit dinner before leh *hint hint* LOL)
4) nice food (hahahahahahaha i wana eat food =.=)
5) take photos (its a must hor. and its PURAL not singular =D)
6) necklace with heart-shaped pendant (BUY THIS INSTEAD OF STUFF TOYS, my room has no more spaces for toys to occupy LOL)
7) DIAMOND RING (i want a heart-shaped diamond one, at least 1 carat. )

obviously the last one is total bullshit. and the 2nd last one is there to tell u do not buy big presents for me in case u wana buy something. actually dont buy anything is the best la waste money =.=
SEE IM SUCHA NICE GIRLFRIEND. dont need to buy roses/presents/expensive stuffs for me one. and in return u must treat me nice nice every second hor =) love ya =)

ok i want go sleep now bye.
ranted at 11:40 PM

:DThursday, February 5, 2009 :D
Konichiwa! Watashi wa juncui desu. Dozo yoroshiku =)
i wanted to say good night but i can only remember "good afternoon" in jap LOL.
finally finished most of the projetcs/quizzes/presentation/jap role play. everyone was so so so busy this week! i need a nice nap this weekend haha =)
and i cant believe that i can remember all my speech lines when doing the role play :DD

ok anyway.... PHOTOS!! of the night on the week before CNY which is like super long ago.
a CNY buffet dinner is held every year(for the "foreign talents") at the factory before CNY and this year its as boring as usual LOL.

my father and mother with the BBQ lamb. the BBQ lamb last year was super delicious lor! dont know why this year the standard dropped so dramastically. last year i ate countless plates of it but this year i only managed to swallow one plate of it =.=

the workers have lucky draws and a carton of mandrine oranges per person. and yet they are still greedy enough to take away all the canned drinks and canned beers for their own consumptions, leaving the rest with NONE to drink. i cant even find a canned drink and have to resort to eating ice kajang to quench my thirst =.=

all the teens got a teddy bear each! :D mine was not in the pic though as i gave it to a little girl who came unexpectedly so the in charge didnt buy one for her.

OMG LOOK AT MY LAOPA. we totally didnt notice that he was behind us when we were taking this pic lor! =.=

and there he goes again =.= he is super pro, we can never sense his presence no matter how careful we were. and tada! he kept popping up in the photos zzzzzz.

ahhhh the baby is super cute in real life! she is damn heavy man. my arms started to ache almost immediately when carrying her.

fire crackers. i am very sad because dont get to play with it. i wana play fire crackers! >:(

ok i shall post up the photos that were taken on CNY.
bye =)
ranted at 12:14 AM

:DMonday, February 2, 2009 :D
imma crazy girl
hi lonely blog,
im currently feeling tired but i cant sleep yet =(
i need to wait for my group leader to send me the report for me to do powerpoint for wednesday's presentation.
oh and there's qmethod test and maths test tomorrow but i havent start studying for them yet. exams are around the corner but i've no mood to study at all..... still in holiday mood zzz.
and right now im like super full because i ate a huge bowl of fried rice a few hours ago and my father still wana stuff me with another bowl of rice++lots of fish++lots lots lots of vegtables. up till now i think i've managed to swallow 3 pieces of veggies HAHA.

oh and boyfriend's cousin gave birth to a cute baby girl on friday!!! :DD

oh great my classmate just told me that the powerpoint need to be submitted tomorrow at 12noon. how great everyone's trying to turn me into a zombie =D OMGOMG im having two tests tomorrow leh!!! havent study still need to do ppt first!!!! TSKTSK! >:(
i think i can forget about sleeping later =( keep burning my midnight oil, no wonder i look skinny no matter how much i eat =.=

omg i cant do a facial mask later but my pimples keep popping out zzzz feels so oily and dirty =.=
omg i cant freaking eat the bowl of rice at all.

ok i did the powerpoint already, time for maths, bye.
ranted at 11:22 PM

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