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:DWednesday, January 28, 2009 :D
i hate sbs.
im miss my bed and my boyfriend so much! =)
we reached home at around noon and i wanted to go for jap lesson because the actual jap role play is on next week and i havent even seen the final script yet. but i got annoyed by the school system and so i changed my mind at the last minute before i went out.

ok lets rewind back to last friday before CNY.
there was a comp prog test during the first lesson and i suay suay missed the last shutter bus to school by 20 seconds and i started to panic because the buses are always crowded in the morning. so i waited for both the bus and the cab at the same time. and you know what? the bus came for 4 times and all of them just drove past without stopping, and all of them are the pathetic single-deckers!
TO MY HORROR, even all the cabs are either hired or on call, with a few which were available but some people stood ahead of me and snatch the cab ZZZZZZZ. so in the end when i saw the last bus drove past im already 20 minutes late for the test so it serves no purpose for me to go to school since the test duration is 40 minutes. so i didnt turn up for school and i have to get a mc or else i'll get a zero for the test.
so yup, I HATE SBS TRANSIT!!! they jolly well know that the bus is super crowded in the morning and they still have the nerve to use single-deckers!! oh comeon la its not first time that im late because of the overcrowded bus ok! cant they just use the double decker ones?!?!?! and im not the only one who became late because of the bus lor! there were two other girls wanting to share cab with me too. the previous time when i was late i shared a cab with 3 other people. craziness i tell you.
i wanted to write a complain letter to SBS, but i need to rush off to malaysia after getting my mc so i totally forgot about it =.= LIKE HELLO, IM FREAKING LATE FOR MY TEST BECAUSE OF YOU NOT WANTING MORE PEOPLE TO BOARD THE BUS, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM MAN?!?!?!
what if im late for my final exams because of you?!?! OMG I MUST REMIND MYSELF THAT I NEED TO GO WAIT FOR THE BUS 1 AND A HALF HOURS BEFORE THE EXAM STARTS.

ok back to today.
so i went to TP website to check my attendance record in case they are too efficient that they marked me as absent. and yes they did! :D they freaking want me to get a zero for my test, how great! they should wait for two working days before updating the attendance record because the school gave us two working days to submit mc lor =.= and this spoils my mood to go for my lesson today but i still went to school to submit my mc so that the zero marks wont come true.
just checked my attendance, they approved my mc. phewwww. but im still kindda scared that my teacher will tell me i've got a zero for the test =(((

so yup, screw SBS! keep rising the bus fares but we are still late for school/work because of you! the government should totally give out more fines to you man, serves you right.
ranted at 11:51 PM

:DThursday, January 22, 2009 :D
i want icecream *hint hint* :D
suddenly remembered the pangsaipangsai lesson i had on monday. the teacher showed us the different types of human behaviour by allocating them to suitable animals.

1) The Shark (I WIN, you lose lose lose!!)
obviously this type of people are very demanding and loves to win in everything =.= very self-centered, only thinks about themselves. reminds me of this particular old auntie who happens to be in my tour group when i travel to china with my family. damn suay i tell u, she's like a modern version of "ci xi tai hou"(empress dowager ci xi), quoted from my laopa.

2) The Teddy Bear (I lose, you win ok, i anything one.)
exact opposite of the shark. very poor thing siol everytime give in to other people, get bullied easily by others. super "sui bian". people suggest anything they also ok one =.= btw teddy bear is not an animal leh LOL.

3) The Tortise (I don't know I don't know I don't know!! don't ask me can?)
always run away when problem arises like a tortise hiding into its shell. don't dare to face the reality. no opinion no nothing, only likes to hide hide hide =.=

4) The Fox (I win and lose a little, you win and lose a little.)
gives in a little and persuades the others to give in a little too so that everyone will "win" on the whole. not a perfect win-win situation but its better than the above 3 right haha.

5) The Owl (I win, you win)
the perfect win-win situation. makes sure that everyone wins when facing a problem (which is hard to accomplish in real life, sadly). although this is good but people like this will tend to get very stress easily right? its like a perfectionist kindda thinking i guess.

anyway, boyfriend wants me to mention that he is very handsome. my boyfriend is very de yan dao worxzxzxz HAHAHA! :D he is very charming, very cute and very nice so all the girls out there please shoo shoo away! =PP imma pro bootlicker LOL.
ranted at 1:15 AM

:DTuesday, January 20, 2009 :D
i hate projects and quizzes
the timetable for final exams has came out. and screw the TP website for giving wrong info on the release date of the timetable =.=

i hate comp prog because the project is as hard as a diamond. im stuck at part 2a(and i have like 8 parts left to do zz) and i thought edmund can save my day because he has finished his project even though its still 4 weeks away from the submission deadline. AND TO MY HORROR, he cant figure out the part 2a after 2 hours of brainstorming/braincracking or wadsoever =.= AND SHIT LA even my primary school classmate from info comm also dont know how to do! DIE DIE DIE =.=
sandy is very nice she said she will try her best to help me together with her boyfriend who happens to be in my jap class! :DD kindda still too early to be happy since i havent solve the problem but at least i saw a glimpse of hope LOL. thanks a million to my good ol' friend :DD

i hope friday will come earlier! cant wait to go get ang baos and drown myself in the sea of food paradise. i wana make ban mian and salty tang yuan again LOL. oh wait, it happens to be my cousin's birthday too. yeah i've got cakes to eat! must be choco ones, must be CHOCO ones!
;DDDDD muahahahaha food, FOOD, FOOOOODDDDDD!!

ok back to schoolwork again. bye T.T
ranted at 12:50 AM

:DWednesday, January 14, 2009 :D
i should be revising for tomorrow's maths test or sleeping now instead of using the computer. someone slap me please =.=

had a great time pranking people on msn by impersonating them HAHAHA! sorry for being so boliao but i think its fun to see their reaction LOL.

OH AND I NEED HELP ON COMP PROG. like seriously the project is so damn difficult can! and other class's project topic is like so much easier compared to mine =( total suay-ness. ok forget about my goal for 3.65 gpa points. a pass for this subject is good enough.

and i hate boyfriend because he keeps thinking about this thursday since like.... two weeks ago? yeah yeah its an important day for him i admit, but i hate it that he keeps mentioning it for like every 15 minutes =.= and soon he will accompany his new "wife" more than me, spend more money on his "wife" etc which means lesser time for me etc BOO!!

ok gtg do my school work. CNY faster come please i need to take a break before the devil final exam comes haunting my life in feb =(
ranted at 12:20 AM

:DMonday, January 5, 2009 :D
>:( >:( >:(
im very fustrated now.
maybe all the "annons" out there should come together and hate tag me so i'll have a chance to vent my fustrations. comeon, dont be shy ;D

ok anyway, i drag myself out of my lovely bed to go for my boring lessons. i need more sleep please =(( skipped maths lecture(again) for lunch, omg i cant catch up and i dont feel like catching up =.= played some retarded and time-wasting games during PSPS which is quite enjoyable actually. competed games with classmates using our ds lite and all of them got thrashed by me! :DD ok actually not all but a few =.=

i login to friendster just now after leaving it to rot for like 3 months? i think its wayyy longer than 3 months lol =.= wanted to delete it since like long long ago but boyfriend asked me to keep it =/ same goes to facebook which i've only login for one day which is the day i created the account which means i've let it rot for more than a year already, how great LOL.

and once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR! :DD
jocelyn is very cute because she was very shocked when she realised that she's 18 this year. yup finally i found someone much more blur than me muahahahahaha ;P

oh and my bruises are healed! =DD
ok i know im very boliao to take pics of my bruises but here it is:

the one on my left leg. this is how big and ugly it looks when i bend my legs =(

and this is how it looks like when i straighten my legs! looks like heart shape right :Dbtw i love my nail colour in the first pic which is taken with flash =)
feeling much better now, shall go watch some doraemon before going to sleep.
hope this year will be a better year =D
ranted at 11:03 PM

:DThursday, January 1, 2009 :D
happy new year =)
and happy 1 year and 1 month to boyfriend :DD

didnt go for countdown yesterday because all if us cant decide on where to go and we ended up in lan shop because the guys cant live without their dota. BOO~
went home at around 1+am and im glad i went home early because i became a zombie from waking up early for school so i need lots of beauty sleep. oh and my teacher is very nice because he cancelled the friday class woohoo! a super win-win solution for a short holiday break :)

anyway i got my term test results. I FREAKING SCREWED UP MY MATHS! ok not exactly screwed up because eveyone in my class got pwned by the very last question which is worth 20marks =.= and yup i only got 1 mark for that last question and the same thing happened to many of my classmates LOL.

boyfriend wants me to mention him more here :D
hello dear i miss u and u are very cute =)
ranted at 1:35 PM

The Unique One

YO im cuii =D
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