yeah right im rude im ill tempered im exaggerating im stuborn im ridiculous WADEVER.
defend her if u all want to.
u all dont know the whole story ok?
i was kind towards her when we were still friends ok!
when she asked for my ezlink so that she could go for clubbing i lend it to her IMMEADIATELY. she returned it to me afterwards, but she lend it from me again after a few days. it was december and i travel a lot during that time. she didnt give me a spare ezlink and i have to use coins everytime i take a bus.
BUT I STILL LEND IT TO HER WILLINGLY because she's my friend. my daily transport fees during that time totaled up to more than $4 because i've no ezlink BUT I DIDNT COMPLAIN.
i trusted her. because i thought that she will return it to me asap like what she said.
but what happened? days have past... and still no sign of my card.
even my boyfriend got fustrated because he had to help me find coins everyday =.= initially he told me not to lend her my card, but i ignored his advice. why? BECAUSE I TREATED HER AS MY FRIEND AND I WANA HELP HER.
after that more than one week have gone.... still no sign of my card. getting fet up of all the
transport fees i have to pay and the
troublesome it caused, i kept rushing her to give it back to me. one day, she said she will pass me back went she come back to bedok and i waited for her at a coffeeshop. i waited and waited for one hour..... no sign of her. so i messaged her and she replied asking me to wait a little longer. so i waited because I TRUSTED HER. but guess what? after
more than 4 hours of waiting for her,
my father even called me up serveral times because its already midnight. i called her up BUT I CANT GET THROUGH HER PHONE. called for many times but its still the same. CAN U IMAGINE IT YOURSELF? i waited so long for her and she didnt turn up, with her phone off somemore =.=
so i went home with all the nasty emotions in my heart.
I CANT STAND IT, really. i treated her nicely but what did she did to me? and on top of that, she DIDNT even explain to me why she didnt turn up at all.
ITS AS IF SHE THOUGHT I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO BUT TO WAIT FOR HER HIGHNESS TO TAKE HER MOTHERFUCKING TIME TO RETURN MY CARD. she even used up the value in my ezlink without topping it back after using, how
inconsiderate uh?
so yup i EXPLODED like a volcano when i finally got back my card. not even a word "sorry" from her man. she just left some coins beside me and walked away. WILL U GET ANGRY IF U WERE IN MY SHOES? when i asked why she didnt turn up after i waited for hours, she said that she quarrelled with her bf blah blah blah...
as if i will believe her man! will u believe this kind of excuse when u were mad like crazy? she really got over my limit of tolerance already.
even if its the truth she should have told me first right? why cant she tell me the reason? why must i ask her first? shouldnt she be the one who take the initiative to explain things to me?
so yep... it all started because i was kind-hearted to lend her my stuff.
but what did i get in return? NOTHING GOOD AND EVERYTHING BAD.
no thank u, no sorry, no wadsoever.
NOTHING.oh forget it. nobody understands what i've felt. everyone only knows how to defend her. ya im the bad girl here. im the baddie while she's the victim alright? go and pity her ok. everyone please scold me because im BAD. im not KIND im not CARING im a HEARTLESS girl =)